An Exclusive Opportunity to be Mentored by Elena...
A writer and self-publishing pro for more than 15 years Elena has sold over 500,000 books and continues to grow her publishing empire.
Elena has spent her life as a transformational coach, helping people tap into their true potential and take action towards their dreams. She has studied NLP, psychology, Chinese Qi Gong, kinesiology, personal training, and many more programs to bring you the best transformative techniques and knowledge and most importantly she believes everyone is capable of reaching their goals.
She now teaches others how to write children's books that sell, and loves coaching new writers to get their story and manuscript shining, then publishing it for success.
Children's Book Author Mentoring
"When you're ready to make authoring a paying career, I'm your go-to person! Book in and I will help your manuscript be commercially successful, identify your most important next steps, and motivate you to take action!"
Elena Paige

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